Bitcoin in South Dakota Panel

Bitcoin Day Sioux Falls - May 21st, 2022

FALLS WEST ROOM | 12:50 pm - 1:40 Pm

One of the primary goals of Bitcoin Day is to promote the local community and engage in conversation. Bitcoiners from all over the Dakota region will gather in downtown Sioux Falls on May 21st, and it will be a great opportunity to make new connections and build bridges between cities. We want to encourage new Meetups to form, new Meetup participants, talk about how to grow and expand the community in the state, and highlight accomplishments and progress being made. Specifically, we will discuss how to get active and have an impact with legislators, politicians and local businesses. This panel is meant to be interactive and an opportunity to ask questions and have an open discussion.



Andy Ott

Digital Banking Manager, Frontier Bank

Tim Kuhman

General Counsel, Kingdom Trust


Founder, PopFly


Owner, Wilcoxon Insurance

Barry Sackett